Política de Privacidad

translation by google translator:

1. Storage of access data Each time a file is accessed from this website, access data is stored. Each record consists of: the name of the file, the date and time of the request for the amount of data transferred, the access status (file transferred, file not found, etc.), a description of the type of web browser used, the stored data is used solely for statistical purposes evaluated, a transfer to third parties, even in part, does not take place. 2. Storage, processing, use and deletion of personal data Within this website it is possible to transmit personal data to us. Personal data is information that can be used to find out your identity. This includes personal data such as B. Your name, address, mailing address, phone number, email address, IP address and cookies. With regard to your personal data, in accordance with § 33 of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), we would like to point out that these are stored and/or transmitted in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations. You should know the following about this personal data: According to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the right to information about the data collected about you, to the correction of your data, to the deletion of your data, the right to the restriction of the processing of your data , right to object to the collection, storage and processing as well as the right to take action against data transferability, a right to revoke a given consent, a right of appeal to the responsible supervisory authority: Saxon Data Protection and Transparency Officer Devrientstraße 5 01067 Dresden Phone: +49 351 85471- 101 E-mail: post@sdtb.sachsen.de Internet: www.datenschutz.sachsen.de and a right to transfer your data. The provision of data is based on the GDPR, the corresponding federal and state laws (in particular the TMG, the BDSG and the Saxon Data Protection Act) and our regulations. As the data subject, you have the right to request information free of charge about what personal data is stored about you. The processing of personal data, which is necessary and required solely for the implementation of the resulting contractual relationship, is collected on the basis of legal permissions and only used to process the contract and to process your inquiries. You can object to the processing if you dispute the accuracy of the data, the processing is unlawful, the purpose of the processing no longer applies, but the data is required to assert legal claims of the data subject or you have a right to object under the GDPR. In principle, third parties or other organizations are not informed of the data collected and/or the persons whose data was collected. What does the right to rectification under GDPR mean? It gives data subjects the opportunity to immediately request the completion of their personal data. When does your data have to be deleted according to the GDPR (right to be forgotten)? This is the case if the data is no longer required to be stored, the data subject has revoked their consent to data processing, the data was processed unlawfully, or there is a legal obligation to delete it under EU or national law. When does your right to “be forgotten” not apply? This happens when the right to freedom of expression or freedom of information prevails, i.e. because the information interest of third parties is so great, the data storage serves to fulfill a legal obligation, the public interest in the area of public health prevails, archiving purposes or scientific and historical research purposes oppose or the Storage is required to assert, exercise or defend legal claims. Otherwise, personal data will be treated with absolute confidentiality and will only be passed on to third parties with your separate prior consent. We expressly point out that data protection in open networks such as the Internet cannot be fully guaranteed given the current state of the art. We appreciate the trust you place in us and attach great importance to the protection of your personal data. If you have any questions, you can also contact us directly. Please also note that when data is transmitted unencrypted on the Internet, there is a possibility that third parties will take note of it or falsify it. In the event that newsletters, contact forms or social media connections are used in connection with this website, which may change as required, you will be informed of this use. In the event that social media such as Facebook, X or Xing are connected to our website, your personal data will also be collected, stored, used and processed by these media if you use these links to these media. Even if you order a newsletter or fill out a contact form, your personal data will be collected, stored, processed and used unless you unsubscribe from the newsletter and ask us to delete this data. Google Maps This website may use Google Maps to display site maps. When calling up a location plan from Google Maps, data is transmitted to the Google servers and stored there. The operator of this site has no influence on this data transfer. Google Maps is used in the interest of an attractive presentation of our online offers and to make it easier to find the places we have indicated on the website. This represents a legitimate interest within the meaning of Article 6 Paragraph 1 lit. f GDPR. Different data protection regulations from Google apply when calling up Google Maps. You can find more information on this at https://www.google.com/intl/de/policies/privacy/.